Just Because it is Wrong Doesn’t Mean it isn’t Useful

Just Because it is Wrong Doesn’t Mean it isn’t Useful

How long is the coastline of New Zealand? DOC says it is about 15,000 km https://www.doc.govt.nz/globalassets/documents/science-and-technical/docts10.pdf, Navigatus Consulting use 15,000km in the MOSRA15 model http://mosra15.navigatusconsulting.com/login, NZ post says between 15,000 and 18,000 km https://collectables.nzpost.co.nz/new-zealand-coastlines/, and NIWA says 18,000km https://environment.govt.nz/publications/a-classification-of-new-zealands-coastal-hydrosystems/.  Which is it? The answer is… both? …neither? It depends on how you measure it. It turns out that its..

A Lockdown Exit Pathway for New Zealand

A Lockdown Exit Pathway for New Zealand

How will New Zealand exit the current lockdown? It’s now 2 weeks into a nation-wide lockdown to control Covid-19. This unprecedented control of civil liberties has backing across the political spectrum. Overall, the New Zealand response appears to be very well managed.  It also comes at huge social and economic cost. At the media briefing on 9 April the..

On the hunt for New Zealand’s most   challenging aerodrome, nearly 500 pilots weighed in.

On the hunt for New Zealand’s most challenging aerodrome, nearly 500 pilots weighed in.

As published in New Zealand Aviation News March 2017. New Zealand is a small country with incredible geographical diversity. On a good day, this means thrilling flying and spectacular views.  More often than not, our unique combination of fault formed terrain and persistent oceanic influences have a downside; adverse and unpredictable flying conditions. Wellington International Airport has long been..