Kevin Oldham - Navigatus ConsultingKevin Oldham is an experienced executive manager, with extensive background in  risk management and workplace safety across a wide range of industries.

In particular, Kevin brings expertise in risk assessment, strategic foresight, environmental and safety management, and quality assurance. He also has extensive knowledge of regulatory frameworks, has been a harbourmaster and has led teams on major infrastructure projects.

He has a particular interest in evidence-led decision making and innovative solutions.

Kevin is a member of the Institute of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, and is the Engineering NZ representative on OB007, the joint Australia/New Zealand standards committee for risk management.

He is also a governance board member of the Marine Farming Association and for the Marlborough Shellfish Quality Programme, which focusses on the practical management of shellfish food safety risk.

My thoughts

Are consistent COVID border controls a good idea?

Are consistent COVID border controls a good idea?

February 3, 2022

Navigatus has reviewed the impact of COVID-19 border controls for aircrew in the...

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Risk communication: learnings from the New Zealand COVID immunisation campaign

Risk communication: learnings from the New Zealand COVID immunisation campaign

January 26, 2022

With 93% of the population double-vaccinated, New Zealand is a vaccination success...

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Learnings from harbourmastering at Gisborne

Learnings from harbourmastering at Gisborne

January 24, 2022

Navigatus director, Kevin Oldham, reflects on risk management lessons learned from...

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NASA beats the odds to deploy Webb telescope. Phew!

NASA beats the odds to deploy Webb telescope. Phew!

January 21, 2022

A few days ago the last of the hexagonal primary mirrors snapped into place, moving...

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How does volcanic eruption in Tonga cause a major oil spill in Peru?

How does volcanic eruption in Tonga cause a major oil spill in Peru?

January 21, 2022

A week after the volcano eruption and tsunami in Tonga, emergency relief is starting...

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Working at Alert Level 3 – A COVID-19 Checklist

Working at Alert Level 3 – A COVID-19 Checklist

April 17, 2020

As New Zealand prepares to ease the lockdown, enterprises operating under COVID-19...

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A Lockdown Exit Pathway for New Zealand

A Lockdown Exit Pathway for New Zealand

April 8, 2020

How will New Zealand exit the current lockdown? It's now 2 weeks into a nation-wide...

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COVID-19 Economic Recovery

COVID-19 Economic Recovery

March 15, 2020

What will the world be like as the COVID-19 pandemic subsides? As we grapple with...

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Business Continuity for COVID-19 Coronavirus Outbreaks – Planning Scenario and Case Study

Business Continuity for COVID-19 Coronavirus Outbreaks – Planning Scenario and Case Study

February 29, 2020

Business Continuity Planning for COVID-19 Coronavirus On 24 February the Prime Minister,...

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COVID-19 how can we prepare?

COVID-19 how can we prepare?

February 17, 2020

Every day we hear more news of the novel coronavirus COVID-19 that has swept through...

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COVID-19 how bad is it?

COVID-19 how bad is it?

February 17, 2020

Is the epidemic accelerating or coming under control in China? At this time, it’s...

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Risk Compensation vs prudence – two sides of the same coin?

Risk Compensation vs prudence – two sides of the same coin?

September 9, 2019

Everyone was confident that ABS would make a big difference to the risk of nose-to-tail...

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An emerging solution to aviation carbon emissions?

An emerging solution to aviation carbon emissions?

August 23, 2019

The concept of flygskam (flight shaming), coming from northern Europe, arises from...

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Trust: the Currency of Success in Banking

Trust: the Currency of Success in Banking

May 13, 2018

The Hayne Royal Commission into Misconduct in the Banking, Superannuation and Financial...

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Tsunami Risk on Wellington to Petone Rail Corridor

Tsunami Risk on Wellington to Petone Rail Corridor

December 17, 2017

Tsunamis are a significant risk to rail operations. That's the surprising conclusion...

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New rapids at Roxburgh show how maritime safety risks evolve

New rapids at Roxburgh show how maritime safety risks evolve

December 1, 2017

As Roxburgh cleans up from the flash flooding, kayakers are playing in the new rapids...

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New Otago Harbourmaster

New Otago Harbourmaster

November 29, 2017

Water users in the Otago Region are now served by Steve Rushbrook, a full time professional...

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Kevin Assists with Developing New SafePlus Toolkit

Kevin Assists with Developing New SafePlus Toolkit

November 28, 2017

On 23 November three NZ government agencies launched SafePlus, a new health and...

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Book Review on Acceptable Risks

Book Review on Acceptable Risks

May 4, 2017

Acceptable Risks - As published in RiskNZ Risk Post April 2017 You can't know where...

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